The I()dentity strategy

What’s the pattern?

One simple, but convenient, strategy is to use the base I() function to create objects of class AsIs. These are useful for representing values that should remain as is, when the default might be to change them in some way.

What are some examples?

There are two places that you can use I() in base R:

  • When creating a data frame, you can use it to request that data.frame() not transform the column in any way. It’s one way you can create a list-column in base R:

    x <- list(1, 2:3, 4:6)
    # By default, if you give a data frame a list it will try to make
    # each element a column:
    data.frame(x = x)
    #> Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 2, 3
    # But if you wrap it in `I()` it will become a list-column
    data.frame(x = I(x))
    #>         x
    #> 1       1
    #> 2    2, 3
    #> 3 4, 5, 6
  • When fitting a linear model, I() allows you to escape the usual Wilkinson-Rogers interpretation of addition and multiplication and instead created a transformed input:

    # fit a model with three terms: x, y, x:y
    lm(z ~ x * y)
    # fit a model with one term: x * y
    lm(z ~ I(x * y))

You’ll see I() used in a variety of places in the tidyverse:

  • In readr, you can use I() to indiate that you are supplying a string containing the literal data, rather than a path giving where to find the data:

    #> # A tibble: 1 × 2
    #>       x     y
    #>   <dbl> <dbl>
    #> 1     1     2
  • In ggplot2, you can use it to indicate that the values don’t need to be transformed; they’re the literal aeshetic values already. For example, compare the following two plots:

    df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, colour = c("red", "green"))
    df |> ggplot(aes(x, fill = colour)) + geom_bar()
    df |> ggplot(aes(x, fill = I(colour))) + geom_bar()

    Two bar plots. In the plot the bars are coloured blue-green and a pinkish red, using the default ggplot2 colour scale. In the second plot, the bars are coloured red and bright green, using the literal R "red" and "green" colours. The first plot has a legend; the second does not.

    Two bar plots. In the plot the bars are coloured blue-green and a pinkish red, using the default ggplot2 colour scale. In the second plot, the bars are coloured red and bright green, using the literal R "red" and "green" colours. The first plot has a legend; the second does not.

  • httr2, a tool for generating HTTP requests, will automatically escape special characters when constructing a URL. You can use I() to say that you’ve already escaped the string and it doesn’t need further escaping.

How can I use it?

I() wraps adds the "AsIs" class to the object it wraps, so you can detect if I() has been used by checking for inherits(x, "AsIs").

It’s best used for simple cases where there are two possible interpretations for an argument and one of them has more of a sense for being untransformed or unaltered in some way. For example, you could imagine using it instead of fixed() in stringr if there was only a choice between regular expressions and fixed stringr, but it’s not quite powerful.

If you’re using I() for escaping, it’s good practice to wrap any escaped values in I() to indicate that you’ve escaped them. That ensures that you never accidentally double-escape an input. For example, this is how you might write code like what httr2 uses to escape query parameters.

escape_params <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "AsIs")) {
  } else {

x <- escape_params("Good morning")
#> [1] "Good%20morning"

Wrapping the output in I() ensures that no matter how many times we call escape_params() the string is only escaped once. This is a particularly useful property as your code starts to get more complicated.

#> [1] "Good%20morning"

You can see here one of the downsides of using I(): the printed output of wrapped objects are no different from the objects themselves leaving to potentially confusing behaviour when two seemingly identical inputs yield different outputs.